VisionLA Climate Action Arts Programs
Building on the momentum of our groundbreaking Climate Action Arts Festival, VisionLA’s new and ongoing programs will further develop our mission of climate action and sustainable culture change through arts engagement. Here are some of our current and in-development programs:
VisionLA Art Makes Change Program – supports the presentation of thematically-related artwork in all disciplines by connecting artists with venues, collaborators, educational events, creative development and promotion.
Current and upcoming Supported Projects:
• What the Frack Happened? presented by Citizen Change Theatre (venue support, promotion)
• International Space Out Competition, presented by Shinrin Yoku L.A. (proposal development, venue support)
VisionLA Creative Communication Program explores new climate action and sustainability narratives and other communication strategies through discussions, blogs and workshops. Current projects include:
- Creative Communication Workshop– a series of workshops and forums running monthly that inquire into an environmental communication or culture change theme. Workshops engage the theme with a variety of modalities including presentations of artwork or scientific, technical or critical theory, lectures, panel discussions, readings and reflections, group process, brainstorming, writing and other creative exercises, guided meditations and more. The workshops are intended to build community and inspire action via working groups moving toward concrete solutions.
- The first of these workshop/salons, tentatively scheduled for January 2017, will consider the theme of modeling positive culture change narratives in entertainment (television). More details coming soon.
- Climate Action Entertainment Lobby – aims to engage the Hollywood culture-making industry in developing entertainment programming that models sustainable change through storytelling. More information coming soon.
VisionLA Arts for Direct Action Program invites the L.A. culture community to get more involved in political justice through our partnership with activist groups like SoCal 350 Climate Action. Current projects include participating in and promoting ongoing direct actions for local and regional climate justice campaigns, including #NoDAPL (Dakota Access Pipeline), #ShutItAllDown (Shut Down Porter Ranch Natural Gas Facility) and @GoFossilFree fossil fuel divestment movements, among many others.
VisionLA Mindfulness Program aims to develop the holistic systems view and values that underlie a wise, compassionate climate response, through Mindfulness and Dharma Education, in collaboration with Against the Stream Meditation Society, Insight Los Angeles, L.A. EcoDharma and other mindfulness and social change community organizations. Upcoming events include a day of mindfulness and heartful inquiry in support of new and experienced changemakers and activists. Stay tuned for more details coming soon.